Friday, September 6, 2013


Welcome to our class blog!

As a help for students trying to stay organized, I will post some information here after each of our classes.  Below is a list of what you can expect:

  1. A summary of what we covered in class (great information if you are ill and miss a class someday!)
  2. Our homework assignment
  3. Sometimes, I will also post some extra practice links for you relating to topics we cover in class.
For your first assignment, please send Andrea an email (See syllabus for her email addresses) with the following information (short answers)

1) Your name,
2) Where you are from and how long your have been in the USA,
3)What is most difficult for you in English/in school in general? What is easiest for you?

Thank you!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Clues to Parts of Speech

Clues to Parts of Speech

To use words accurately, we must know exactly how they should be used in a sentence.

One key factor in helping us figure this out is knowing which part of speech a particular word is AND knowing how these parts of speech are put together to form a sentence.

First, we can look at word endings. These will often tell us is a word is a noun, verb, or adjective:

Click here for a list of common suffixes for nouns verbs adjectives

Click here for a short practice game with basic suffixes