Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity


Mistakes with plagiarism can have very serious consequences in a US university. It is important to know what it is and how to avoid it!

Study Tips for College Success

What are the best ways to succeed in college?

Here are some interesting little videos that provide tips of some important skills:

These tips focus on helping us improve our academic reading skills for our various class assignments:

Also, here are a few videos that I found on Youtube that offer some helpful advice from college students on what they do to succeed...

Here is one from "Caitlyn" a college sophomore. She has some great advice, but speaks VERY,VERY fast (and very informally) in this video! A fun and challenging listening-comprehension activity, too! (CLICK HERE to view)

This one was submitted by Maddie, who speaks (also fairly quickly)with a pretty British accent. She has some organizational suggestions, and the video has captions, so it is a bit easier to follow. Her intended audience is high-school students, but college students can also benefit from some of these ideas. (CLICK HERE to view) Lots of music and pop-ups in the one!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Tricky Words and Spelling


Yes- English is full of easily confused words. Here are some exercises that aim to help with this...

WHOSE (possessive relative pronoun) vs WHO's (who is, who has contraction)

ITS (possessive adjective) vs IT'S (contraction of it is, it has)

THEIR (possessive adjective) vs THEY'RE (contraction of they are) vs THERE (place or sentence starter)

TO (preposition/infinitive marker) vs TOO (modifier) vs TWO (number)


WHO or WHOM (both used in relative clauses, which you studied/will study with Barbara)



These tricky little marks are EXTREMELY important in formal writing...but mistakes with these are very common.

For extra practice, visit these helpful websites:

The Semicolon:    (I love this one!)



Quotation marks:

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Comparison- Contrast Essays

Comparison-contrast writing is one common writing structure used in academics.

Here are some helpful websites that focus on this type of essay.


1) "Wiki-How" gives you 4 excellent, very specific steps to following when writing this type of essay (CLICK HERE)

2) "About Education" also provides tips and has numerous topic suggestions (CLICK HERE)


1) Do you want to hear another explanation of how to write this type of essay? CLICK HERE to watch a "Smart English" teacher, Shaun Macleod, explain them.

2) Here is another helpful video by "Dr. Bruce." You can watch his very clear lesson and listen to his explanation of different types of Comparison-Contrast essays and situations in which we would write them (His voice is very calming...but the information is very well presented and clear!) (CLICK HERE)


1) A GREAT "engVid" explanation on using DESPITE and ALTHOUGH...and how they mean the same but are used differently. (CLICK HERE)

2) Also from engVId- an excellent lesson looking at making comparisons with LIKE and AS (and how they are used in different situations) (CLICK HERE)

3) One more engVid looking at how to use the subordinate conjunctions (contrast) EVEN IF, EVEN THOUGH, EVEN WHEN (and some other expressions with EVEN) (CLICK HERE)

4) Very simple video explaining the use of some contrast transition words (CLICK HERE)

5) Another very simple (and short) lesson reminding us of some great words for making comparisons/contrasts (and the teachers has a wonderful British accent!) (CLICK HERE)

6) One last engVid lesson that looks at some formal transition words for showing similarity (with good examples) (CLICK HERE)


1) EspressoEnglish presents a nice list of contrast words, with examples of how to use them AND includes a practice activity to test your skills (there might be some pop-up ads, but just click the X if one appears) (CLICK HERE)

2) A very thorough (Excellent!) list of contrast/comparison words with examples and explanations. There is a practice activity you can open at the end. (CLICK HERE) (Source: Yeditepe University Writing Center)

3) Grammar-Quizzes.com also has a very thorough explanations of these various types of words (and has a sections that mentions common mistakes). At the bottom of the page, there are 3 wonderful practice exercises. (CLICK HERE)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Information about Vocabulary Quizzes

  • Each week, we will focus on 2 chapters from our vocabulary book and study 20 words.
  • This is a large number of words to remember; thus, vocabulary homework will be assigned in every class to ensure sufficient practice. I will always check this homework and expect it to be complete (not half done).
  • The homework is very important in helping you to learn the words (and to improve your vocabulary and do well on the tests!)
  • We will have a vocabulary quiz every Friday.
  • The vocabulary goal for this class is that students will understand the vocabulary words AND also be able to use them correctly in speaking and writing.  Therefore, the quizzes are meant to assess this.
  • Students are encouraged to practice using the words in sentences to study for the quiz. Every Wednesday, before the quiz, I will offer to check (and correct) 5 sentences for students who email these to me. This is a GREAT way to prepare for the quiz (AND I keep track of these emails and count them as extra credit for your homework grade!)
  • Extra credit opportunities (bonus points applied directly to quiz grades) are occasionally offered here on the blog- so check it regularly!

Click here to learn more about vocabulary quizzes, get study tips and find out exactly how they will be graded!