Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Study Tips for College Success

What are the best ways to succeed in college?

Here are some interesting little videos that provide tips of some important skills:

These tips focus on helping us improve our academic reading skills for our various class assignments:

Also, here are a few videos that I found on Youtube that offer some helpful advice from college students on what they do to succeed...

Here is one from "Caitlyn" a college sophomore. She has some great advice, but speaks VERY,VERY fast (and very informally) in this video! A fun and challenging listening-comprehension activity, too! (CLICK HERE to view)

This one was submitted by Maddie, who speaks (also fairly quickly)with a pretty British accent. She has some organizational suggestions, and the video has captions, so it is a bit easier to follow. Her intended audience is high-school students, but college students can also benefit from some of these ideas. (CLICK HERE to view) Lots of music and pop-ups in the one!

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